Export of goods from Finland and import to Finland BEC (Broad Economic Categories)
Suomeksi - in Finnish

Finland's export and import: Costa Rica (CR) 2023 Q4

*) The standard of statistical classification of BEC (Broad Economic Categories) is upheld by the UN and it is based on SITC-nomenclature.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Table: Finland's exports under the BEC classification to Costa Rica (CR)

Q4 / 2023Q4 / 2022Muutos edellisestä
vastaavasta kaudesta
1,000 €%1,000 €
1. Food and beverages 300.7 0
12. Food and beverages, processed 300.7 0..
122. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for household consumption 300.7 0..
2. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified 3,40682.2 1,956
22. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, processed 3,40682.2 1,95674.1
4. Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof 66216.0 1,038
41. Capital goods (except transport equipment) 47511.5 959-50.4
42. Capital goods (except transport equipment), parts and accessories 1874.5 79137.5
5. Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof 10.0 0
53. Transport equipment, parts and accessories 10.0 0..
6. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified 441.1 67
61. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, durable 00.0 0..
62. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, semi-durable 320.8 62-49.5
63. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, non-durable 120.3 5135.9
All groups 4,144100.0 3,06235.3

Source: Finnish Customs

Costa Rica

Table: Imports under the BEC classification from Costa Rica (CR)

Q4 / 2023Q4 / 2022Muutos edellisestä
vastaavasta kaudesta
1,000 €%1,000 €
1. Food and beverages 4,98071.2 7,101
11. Food and beverages, primary 4,60565.8 6,740-31.7
111. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for industry 4256.1 1..
112. Food and beverages, primary, mainly for household consumption 4,17959.8 6,740-38.0
12. Food and beverages, processed 3755.4 3614.0
122. Food and beverages, processed, mainly for household consumption 3755.4 3614.0
2. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified 1181.7 142
21. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, primary 771.1 752.3
22. Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified, processed 410.6 67-38.9
4. Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof 1,44020.6 2,516
41. Capital goods (except transport equipment) 1,34319.2 1,3201.8
42. Capital goods (except transport equipment), parts and accessories 971.4 1,196-91.9
5. Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof 10.0 0
53. Transport equipment, parts and accessories 10.0 0..
6. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified 4566.5 475
61. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, durable 2623.7 2456.8
62. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, semi-durable 1642.3 196-16.7
63. Consumer goods not elsewhere specified, non-durable 310.4 34-10.8
7. Goods not elsewhere specified 10.0 15
All groups 6,994100.0 10,235-31.7

Source: Finnish Customs

Links to various pages that meet different foreign trade data classifications on Finland's exports to Costa Rica and imports from Costa Rica to Finland

The Quarterly Order Page

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